Users are the basic subject of role-based authorization. They are generic in their type of UserId and tenant id.
Aside from their identity, users contain their assigned Roles and Permissions which can be checked by AuthorizationPolicies.
- Graph
- Supertypes
class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Members list
Type members
A user in the bounded context of role-based authorization.
A user in the bounded context of role-based authorization.
is optional since superusers will not belong to any tenant. User-models for single-tenant systems can use Nothing
as the type for the tenantId.
- Example
Example usage without tenantId
case class ExampleUser(id: String, roles: Set[Role], permissions: Set[(Permission, ResourceSelector[_, _])], otherData: String) extends User[String, Nothing]: val tenantId: Option[Nothing] = None
Example usage with UUID for id and tenantId
case class ExampleUser( id: UUID, tenantId: Option[UUID], roles: Set[Role], permissions: Set[(Permission, ResourceSelector[_, _])], otherData: String ) extends User[UUID, UUID]
- Companion
- object
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
trait UserWithoutTenantId[I]
Users can be identified by a java.util.UUID, scala.Symbol, String, java.lang.Number, or a scala.Product with a scala.Serializable.
Users can be identified by a java.util.UUID, scala.Symbol, String, java.lang.Number, or a scala.Product with a scala.Serializable.